Thursday 18 August 2011


so lazy to type chinese, i noe, i will be type very slow very slow @@

hmm. 18th August, my last 10th birthday, next year, my birthday cake will got 2 candles already, haha. i not sure why, i feel something empty or missing this year birthday.

anway, it starts wif morning. i woke up at 11.30am by my dad phone LOL. then 12 just willing to get up and shower, then my bro said, u count ur lrt time bus time, did u count ur lunch time >.< lolz, i really forgotten about it. i ate my lunch at 12+ then reached kl central at 1.30pm. i feeel like buying a touch and go but it is OUT of STOCK. @@ then 2pm bus reached KLIA at 2.58pm.

I was at the the arrival hall outside wait for my dad. Luckily, lol, i reached 1st. wait for almost 10 mins onli he came out. 1 funny thing i found out that, once my dad saw me, he add up his speed, pushed his trolley in a quicker move came towards me, hahahahha!

along the bus, we chat a lot a lot, so misses my dad, but he just answer what i asked. still, i noe, my dad loves me and he duno how to show his loves. He shows his love by his action, he come visit me, haha

we reached kl central at 4. then i go up buy ets ticket. 1 funny thing happened, when i reached the counter, i just give my student ID and money to the cashier, LOL! i forgot to tell him where i go how many ppl lolz!!! He asked with a small laugh, haha, paiseh betul lar me ! ><

after bought the ets ticket bring dad walk around the kl central. 5.35 sharp, the train moved.

after that uncle pick me and my dad up then go for dinner, hoho! got prawn got fish got tao fu and duck. haha, what a nice dinner. hmmm, just 1 thing, very expensive >.< 92.80 for 5 person @@

reached home around 10+, hmm, tomolo go for ipoh visit my uncle then dad say buy a watch for me, god bless, finally i can wear watch again >.<

I tot the appear of you but at last it doesnt happened. that is the onli biggest disappoinement in my 19th birthday. coz it's 1 of my important birthday, last 10th birthday, hmm.... i wait it since 17th, 18th and now... it is 19th already. i can surely that u wont appear front of me anymore...

dont know why, i feel very happy that i can celebrate my birthday with my dad but on the same time i feel that i empty without my friends. Again, this year, i dint have the chance to celebrate my birthday with my friend. Last year macam begini, this year also same, lol, what happen actually ha? 看来我得罪人多称呼人少, LOL >.< nid start make friend liao xD

and this year, i dint get face eat cake LOL! hahahaha!
now the time is 2.19am and i nid go meet 周公 XD
nitez all blogger and readers, oyasumi!

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