a question that appeared in my mind and repeating asking myself, do a guy blogwritter must be some1 that emo? aikss... i duno lar =.= never really thought that much. Already a period of time where i dint wait for some1 message ady. Tonight, again i wait for some1 message until cannot fall asleep again >.< die lor... there is a feeling in which i really feel that i improved? handle case better? I really dint hope much for the reply, i am repeating telling myself, I really own much already. the feeling inside my heart is just weird and it is too hard to describe. i hope myself handle this case in a better way but what should i do? make the step consistent? make the step quicker? make the step slower? step up or step down? there are tons of questions that i throw on myself. I hope that i never lost you no matter in what way, what form what condition we are. I fear of losing, i fear of being a loser too... some1 who fall for times are really fear of lose... Please, not leaving me unreasonable, i could just do anything to remain at the origin...
haha,don't think 1st then u can sleep le lo,don't hope too much =P later more disappointed