Wednesday 22 June 2011


从sunway回来都接近一个星期,我真的不是错觉,也不是凭感觉,你真的变了,原因到底是什么呢?为了什么呢? 我真的不知道哦,我很想知道,可是。。。我面对着另一个问题。我记得,我回来前,我们的话题滔滔不绝,我知道,我的一通电话根本帮不上你什么,虽然你曾在电话,眼泪就快淹出来我这边(不是笑你得说),i just want say that no mater how you sad, happy, cheer, emo i always hope that at least you tell me something, the step i reached kl, that moment still i feel u r so talkative to me, and there were many2 many2 things inside u that wanna said to me, but still once our 1st meeting, u sicked, i just tot that you are feeling unwell to tell me something/anything, but still today this moment, i know that, it must be something happened cause you not to told me anything. Why i say so? even a you planned trip, i duno anything about it, yea, i admit i really feel very upset and a bit like dulan when he disturbed me again in facebook, it had been times he dint do so...  but still if not from him, i duno the things happened on u, i am so suprised and cant believe it when he told me so, a rm100 for almost 15 days, even i also rm200 for 15 days kinda hard for me to tank, so pity of u...  the fake smile tat hang on you was not sweet, it kinds of pressure, pity and heavy, i am so sad to see that cause i cant do anything on that to help you. if u feel sad to tell ur friend about what happened on u actually it is more sad when u tell nothing to ur friend....  sorry i dint make too aggresive move to noe about you, cause我不自认了解你,可是我知道,我强迫是得不到答案的,你也不会告诉我的,唯有等时机成熟你来告诉我,是这样吗?会有这样的一天吗?对不起,我发现我拥有着两个我在意的朋友,我却不能把所有心机平分的给你们,我觉得我还是有自私的一个moment....我暂时把比较多的心机放在了另一个朋友身上,那就是你了,张小燕。


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