Tuesday 11 October 2011

Feel after heal

at least, i rubbed away all those words that i feel that i really really angry about you. Seriously, i felt so unfair why should i, myself get such unfair treat? Did i make any wrong decade ago, so now the time i nid to pay. Last time i heard a story, human born to this word, is to learn one thing that they did unwell in precious life. Is it in this turn of life, did i fate to learn how to threat girl good instead nt hurting myself, i think, lol, it's hard, am i right? until now, i dint means i dont make anything wrong, but somehow, why such unfair treat happened on me? why still i can over the barrier inside my heart, why still i so cared in which do you will angry after watch my post? why am i so cared? who you are inside my heart since you doesnt hold the same as what i really so cared about you. Hmm, i really dont know, i just so so so minded on how you look on me, instead, how angry am i, how sad am i, i dint showed up, i just type it and then delete it, lolz. So stupid guy i am.

however, this turn back to tawau dint make any regret from me. i feel that i am glad, i am happy and also thanksful to some1. He is the 1 cheered me up and make me feel that, this time i back with no regret. however, girls oweys cannot understand what boys really thought about. they try to hide the factual from guy, in their mind, they think that this is the way that wont let the boy hurt, instead, this way, hurt the guy most. Yea, i agreed i really sad and hurt when know the real factual, but instead i am so so happy finally u tell me honestly that i did wrong and that's not the way you want. After knowing the fact, i feel like a ton of stone that realeased from me, it becomes so light and lol, i really did a stupid stupid thing that i thought friend, is some1 that we can simply relied on, instead, it doesnt.

in my life, everything comes and goes easy, now, except my family, my brother and sister, i doesnt really make a full trust a full commitment a truth heart to them, cause, i told myself, i wont be stupid for twice. In love, your confession might get a reject and you feeling damn emo, down sad and even give up yourself. In friendship, you might  thought that this person can be relied and you can do everything just for them, but instead, they arent dint appreciate, they just.... lol, dint reject, hahahahahaha! funny right? but family is the 1, never give up you. thanks my dad n mom which never give up me, Tawau home give me a warm regards which i prefer return, although that i seldomly stay home wif u all, hahahaha!

i think this for many and many times, i agreed in which yea, really, when u write something bout your friend in your blog and that was a bad thing, for me, i didnt make anything wrong on my friend. Yea, mayb that it will make friend to get angry, but it must be some reason or some causes, then we just will write it in our blog right, am i right? So, why shall i hide and fear to post it up? now i learned to love myself more than others, it is useless to hide self emotion just for those people, in which, they dont really understand your feeling, they just fear to read your blog cause they talk bad about you.

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