昨晚,是我这个星期以来的第一次失眠。我非常好奇自己了,一个她也不足让我失眠,怎么你却这么有能力,能让我为了你的事而失眠呢?昨晚看到你的讯息,跟他一起去湖边吹风,突然觉得,怎么自己好像没被叫到的?>.< omg,失去地位了。。。hemm,到底事实真的是这样?还是我只是想太多了。还有,其实昨晚我真的有少少不爽啦,我讲你又讲,我很想喊,如果你要讲,我给你讲,我不讲!!!可是还是算了,讲出来对事情没有帮助。其实你想努力追她,我并没有阻止,只是不要再向我征询意见了可以吗?对我来说是一种折磨,是一种痛苦来的,我并没有阻止你得到你的幸福,可是不要再次要我断送我的友谊可以吗?谢谢你。对我来讲这样真的很残忍。。。
考试已经进入倒数期,星期六,星期日,and then 星期一就是考试了。哎哟,真的像个骆驼那样,乃没有把感情问题处理好,哈哈,向往一样,把它丢到考试后才解决吧.虽然说会影响读书的心情,可是哈哈,还是 硬硬把note给吃进脑袋里吧。很出乎预料之外,我的physics 既然拿到34分,omg,真的是3个sem以来最高分的一次了。^^ 看到你在窗边晒着衣物的时候很想大喊,喂,小心点阿,不要跌倒哦,可是怕你听了后才真正跌下来就不好了,所以最后还是打消了那个念头,LOL
我得快点收拾我的心情,快点进入fully读书mood了,不然真的我的梦想3.0会破灭。。。暂时,我可以把爱你的心,暂时藏起来,等考完试才拿出来给你看?哈哈,真的心底话很多,却不懂要怎么说,怎么表达,所以还是不写了 ^^
the following is just for the 1 who understand what i wrote
i dint means that you like him is a wrong la, but plz, dun lie urself that u even dun have an admire in your heart, if you really doesnt have any, then we..... lol, i oso lazy to repeat again, it might be oso might not that the prob between us is becoz present of he? lolz, just, u like this cheat ur fren is totally a hurt for me....
facebook ady aint no more a medium for me to said out what hidden inside my heart, my tought my mind my thinking, once say out there, it would be like the whole world will noe what r u saying about, blog recently had become a thing that i used to confess out what exploded inside my mind!