Saturday, 7 March 2015


三月一号,是我们的周年, 也是我们的终点, 我万万都想不到原来已经是终点。我记得两年前的新年,在年三十晚上,我跟利华谈了最后一通电话,内容至今乃在我脑海里面。她跟我说 “我们只有两条路,一是我们继续当好朋友,第二还是你要选择做陌生人” 大家逻辑怎么想应该会选择前者吧,错了,我是伟康,我选了后者。 原因?我已经不想再被“friendzone”了,一点都不过瘾,一点都不好玩。就这样,选了后者结果那变成了我们之间最后的一通电话。

可是我觉得上天是公平的,当你失去了某些东西,你乃会得到些东西。参加了活动,结果让我认识了她,没错, 就是宇昱。一个新年,让我们从不认识到认识,聊天,视频,见面,吃饭,聚会,然后渐渐的就这样在一起了。很童话故事?很敷衍?其实我觉得爱情就应该这样,老虎,老鼠,傻傻不清楚  :P 所以你问我纪念日是几时,其实我脑海告诉我,就新年吧,比较好记。一号其实是后来在一起了才想的,为了方便记得。哈哈哈。

如果算非正式,我们在一起已有两年了,如果要认真算,那就一年十个月吧。 我写这篇文章纯粹为了留念我在大学的点滴,美好的回忆。当然,两年内,甜酸苦辣一定是有的,难题过了一个又一个,误会解了一个又一个。很常,我们可以为了一个同样的问题,纠缠,吵架一个多月,重复又重复。。。有时候,真的不明白,到底坚持的是什么。总是没有一方愿意放下成见接受对方,尤其是我。我觉得讲理没有错,因为我是逻辑思考。 你说我牛,为何就是不能说理?

分了就没有什么舍得不舍得的,反正大家已经做出了最后的努力,最后的挽留,改变和尝试。真的,“死无遗憾”。 远距离成了我这段大学恋爱的句号。无论怎样,都没有到无法收拾的地步,至少大家都懂大家努力过了。很多话,我想去解释,可是我懂你牛起来,我说什么你都不听的。所以我希望有一天,你看到了,你读了,你会明白。 


i find it seriously damn hard for me to write in chinese. i am going to graduate soon, in my expectation, i would choose somewhere that nearer to you as my intern and also my long term job? reason? coz i know u well, u feeling insecure when ur another half is not by ur side. hence, i have been struggle a long time to decided where shall i go for my intern? penang? kl? seremban? my hometown? just a lot of messed, i always tell myself to think, at last i go for my sleep =.= initially i had decided to go for either kl or seremban so that might easier for me to find u but now.... decided again ba... 

i tot distance would not fade away our relationship as i am graduate soon so distance will not be an issue to us. just months to go.... just months to go.... and we couldnt overcome this few months. it ended just right before 2 months from our official anniversay..... 

did i cried? no. why? i appreciate the relationship that we had. it is precious. we had done everything we could to let the relationship stay healthy and long. however, time is cruel, as time pass our relationship showed a lot of holes and problems which i already could bare and able to resolve. i am so sorry, i know i am a loser who choose to give up. is my fault, i am the one who couldnt face it strong and tough. 

no matter what, it had been full stop right now for our relationship. i feeling so glad that i had a 2 years journey with you, Thank you Yee Leey. 

Wai Hong Ken

1 comment:

  1. i think you can changes to other apply egoism when you are in relationship. strong yourself in order to take care of others. because sometime the expectation of girl will hope their partner give them a well protection for both physical and mental. good luck, you are a good guys, i believe you will get what you one when you enough strong and confidence. =)
