Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Happiness and lifes

I tend to have such a question in my brain, again and again asking myself, how i define the word happy? how consider as i felt happy and how will just consider emo? what consider as simple life? how i define my life as a simple life? how i live a simple life. these questions, again and again appeared inside my brain, repeating again and again.

It is so funny that i update my blog right at the library. that day, right after marketing fiesta, it was tuesday, i rmb it well, i found my happy inside my photo. Suprisingly, i also dont realised i was that happy. It might due to the environment i joined, so the happy was simply reflects from them. hanging out with yb frens, what they called "family day(wednesday)" was an happy day. previously, i thought that was just a joke in which they will very happy during their family day. However, once i joined them, wow, I'm wrong. They did very happy. in chinese, 他们那简单的笑感染了我,我也笑了。it is just too hard to described how happy they were, it just.. their happiness and smile are that simple, that pure. that happy. I really proud to join them although it is just once i join them. so sorry my frens, i said this with no harm, i doesnt mean that i'm not happy currently with you all, just that coincident which made me feel different in them :)

Wednesday, 22 August 2012


已经有很久的时间没有提起劲写我的部落格了,很常就是写了,写到一半不懂该怎么继续下去然后放在draft里面生灰尘。这个生日真是惊喜连连,有惊也有喜。首先我要谢谢慧媚为我策划的生日惊喜。心存感恩 ^^V pmp gang+fren gang一起帮我庆祝,真的谢谢你们,很感动。。。那个叮当蛋糕我放在冰箱不舍得吃 @@ 哈哈,姐姐我会记得你给我盖的cream 然后跑掉,ish! :PPP

下来kl其实巧遇到我的生日,因为那个不是我真正下来的目的,嘻嘻。无论如何,谢谢你白忙里抽空拿 cream 砸我,哈哈哈哈,真的没有想到呢。谢谢你的礼物,好像很贵重 @@ 有点不好意思呢,也不舍得拿来穿 @@ 其实这次来是为了提早帮你庆祝生日,因为怕你回家+我考试,所以只有这段时间最适合不过了。谢谢权,民,杰愿意抽空出来,没有你们她肯定没有那么容易上当的啦,哈哈哈哈。生日礼物其实也弄好了很久,你看到这篇的时候记得向我哥哥拿你的生日礼物,虽然不能亲手送给你,可是我觉得礼物的心意是我这位朋友给你最后的祝福。907 代表着我每天给与你的祝福。 

这么的一天,在那天你告诉我你决定读diploma开始就预了会有这样的一天。错不是你和我,错只是在于时间,我们这段时间刚好遇上了不对的时间,你考试,辛苦你了。有空记得来找我哟,短时间都不会来找你了,怕你忙,哈哈哈。我也该回去准备我的考试等等。提早收拾我的心情,马六甲之旅,有缘再去吧,我曾说过,去那里都无所谓,只要跟朋友一起就好了。在我心中朋友永远排第一位,因为我知道我家人,我父母我哥哥我姐姐姐,就算我做了什么再错的事情都会包容鲁莽的我,所以他们无论怎样,都在我心中排第二。一颗碎的像灰那样的心是无法用任何方东西弥补的因为真的真的受伤了到极点。别总在觉得即将失去才来叫我dear,我跟我哥哥不同,我不受这一套。其实我没有打算放弃你这个朋友,可是我觉得,把你留在我心中就好了,不必常提,不必常联络,不必常聊天也不必常见面,因为你太忙了,要见到你真的难上加难。我不想给你任何压力,所以昨晚我讯息都删掉,不想影响你考试。胃痛,骂过,讲过,什么都做了,就是不听话,连我哥哥也给你气坏了。我们是坏人,你朋友通通都是好人,你胃痛看了医生,你说一声去吃冰就陪你去,那些是好人,我们是坏人,你一言都听不进去。不懂的珍惜一次再一次,我真的不懂如何是好,我觉得我自己好傻,好笨,都在对着空气说话。你放心,我以后都不会在唠叨你了,你要照顾自己,胃痛了记得找你的coursemate,你就是爱这样,希望得到新朋友对你的同情关心,可是你却从未发现,你身边一直有着很关心你的我,很关心你的朋友,伟杰。 这些关心你的人不帅不起眼,你总爱踩我们的底线,一而再,再而三的不珍惜不代表我会放纵让你这样,对不起,我收回对你好,对你的关心,你永远会在我心中出现,可是诉我已经很累,我不懂如何爱你珍惜你,关心你,因为你至少不懂的珍惜我对你好。别让我看穿,你搬家是迟早的事,我不会看错的。

如果你看了有冲动打电话给我的,我求求你想好说什么才打给我,我不想在电话放空,我真的会哭,我不想,我第二次为了一件人们觉得愚蠢(为了一个异性普通朋友而哭)的事而哭。我真的不想这样。。。。错不在你和我,this is life, life still goes on, there will be no one derserve to accompany you until your life end, so i dint blame on you because i know that you not deserve to accompany my whole life. I swear i would stay tough, as well as you  :)

还有谢谢贤的sunway trip,有两年时间没来了,都忘了该怎么走怎么玩,人超多。更谢谢你给的生日礼物,谢谢你。我第一件叮当衣服,嘻嘻!

跟嘉玲在kl见面,看了一出戏还吃了她妈妈炒的果条 @@ 真不好意思呢,既然要安第请吃,哈哈哈哈, paiseh paiseh @_@ 最不好意思的还是要麻烦安第赶最后几碟然后载我们去火车站,谢谢了安第。 ^_^V


Saturday, 4 August 2012

yb Finance course geh fren


going jusco for movie

stalked jie jie schedule

poor wei jian >.<

orchado after cultural expo ^^

wet us in cultural expo XD

nandos kat Station 18

5 of us XD

movie day with yb "family"

jie jie at yue zhong lou, how cute she was XD

贤妻 XD cook thing for 3 ma lat lou drink

my sweet grandma

she wrap her mouth happily LOL

big head me

big head han sin

big head jie jie 

big head dai fan shu 

bowie jie <3